An awkward little letter written by Morgan in response to
George’s message of condolence.
22 George St.
June 3rd 1880
I received your letter this morning
& was indeed pleased to hear from you.
I have been expecting a letter from you for a long time & at the
same time was thinking of writing to you but could never make up my mind to do
so you know what sort of man I am of a timid disposition still there is some
acts of bravery about me one for, instance, Getting Married & that seems so
far to answer pretty well indeed so that I ought to be incouraged & not
feel so timid.
George it is all very well talking foolishly still I do not believe in going
half way to meet troubles it is true enough when it comes. You spoke about my sad loss yes a great loss
when mother goes it almost speaks to me in words look out for yourself home
appear broken up there appear no ruling shepherd to keep us all together
because it always was Mother Mother no one to say Morgan be careful over this or
that no the voice is not to be again.
She hath done what she could for every one of us & her end was peace
I hope everlasting.
You refered to
buisness in your letter. I do not know what to do but I think I shall make an
attempt when I can get a suitable shop & in a propper position but I may
have to wait for a long time. If I
cannot get a good situation I had better stay where I am I have no dout but I
should do very well because as you know I am a respectable young man have a
respectable wife & we are respectable connected infact we are respectable
alltogether. Buisness keeps very quiet
there is no stir here whatever. If it
would revive a little it would give a man a little encouragement.
I scarcly know what I have put on this letter
in the first place. I have been cutting
the grass in the front of the house & triming the hedge that my hand is
shaking very much & Jane have been talking all the time so you can take it
as it is & will promise to do better next time. Jane is first rate now
since she come to Swansea & Hannah is very well.
Do not let anyone see this
From yr aff.
& Sisters
J.H. & M. Bevan
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