Wednesday, March 28, 2012

1 Coat vest & trousers £3 5s

Among the letters is included an invoice from W.B. Oliver, Tailor and Draper, Ladies’ Habits and Jackets Made to Order, Trinity Buildings, Llandudno addressed to a Mr. S. Bevan for 1 Coat vest & trousers £3 5s.  The bill was settled the same day.

Swansea 2 Augst 1879

Dear George,

You will be surprised to find your Father & I are payeing our long promised visit to Mr Roberts we came in on thusesday and are going home today I shall not send you a Post Office Ordar to day I think you better ask the Tailor what he will charge for your best suit & a strong trousers cloth is much cheaper than it was a little wile ago but if I buy it here W. Hirey may spoil it & the expense of sending it away you had better have them at Llandudno.  M. Davies charged £2 16s for your last suit.  Saunders passed his examination first division his Mother & Father are very please about it.  Robert is in London.

With kind love from your affectionate Father & Mother

Frank is quite well & is coming home this eveing if Mr Jenkins Can spare him.

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